
Diana Al Kawamleh

(Class of 2016)

“During my four years in IBA, even though it got tough during the end of the high school, I had fun. There may have been some ups and downs, I can say that it was such a great experience. Thanks for proving to me that high school life is not as scary as it is seen in the movies.”

John Crisostomo Annang

(Class of 2016)

“To my mom, I will always be grateful that you pushed so hard to give me good education at IBA. I am proud that I have become a part of IBA family.”

Carl Daniel Woodhead

(Class of 2016)

“It’s been 5 years since I stepped through the warm, welcoming doors of IBA. I never even thought that I would be able to graduate from this school since I really struggled a lot. But those struggles helped me to know my strengths, talents, and capability of doing the best I could in every task given to me. Learning from my mistakes made me a better person. I’ve been through tough times in my life but I can say that IBA provided not only a community, but also a family that helped me to discover the real me.

I was recognized as being one of the students who really excelled in sports. IBA supported me by helping me balance my interest in sports and my approach to academics.”



Jahnella Dane Vera

(Class of 2015)

“Get out of your comfort zone,” those are words that I will never forget. Our teachers never failed to encourage us and these words, I believe, are the most effective. In my two years as an IBA student, I have tried different things that I have never tried before. I did the things I never thought I would do. They have inspired me to grow and to keep on improving.”

Min Ji Kim

(Class of 2019)

“It is a big surprise for me to graduate from IBA. I totally did not know how to speak English when I first came here to the Philippines, that I could not even distinguish between small and big letters. I even thought that okra was a green chili before. I was that confused and made lots of mistakes. However, I was helped by my very supportive family, teachers, as well as friends. With their support, I did my best to develop and reach the top. And on my journey to the top, I realized one of the most important things in living life, that no man is an island. I needed help and asked for help. I also needed people to share my success with. I really appreciate everyone in my family and school for helping me grow and achieve my goals.”

Seong Min Hwang

(Class of 2016)

“When I entered IBA as a new student, I appreciated how much each one welcomed me with open arms. The teachers served as our mentor while they offered great companionship. They motivated me to do better. In one year, I have experienced a lot at IBA. Seeing everyone graduating is a success. To be part of this success is something I will always treasure.”

Charlene Michelle Carl

(Class of 2015)

“Being a high school student at IBA has been the most precious, memorable and fun experience.  I am really going to miss IBA so much because it has become my second home.”

Yu Jin Kim

(Class of 2016)

“Six years in IBA never felt long to me. In those six years, I was able to try many new things that I could not have experienced in other places. Unique school projects turned me to be positive, open minded and creative, while considerate teachers trained me to become a mature young adult with values such as honesty, solidarity and integrity. IBA has inspired me to continue to excel in academics as well as in extra-curricular activities. I learned so much from my teachers, classmates and the learning environment of IBA as a whole. International British Academy has left me such unforgettable memories that are very important and valuable.”

Nadia P. Zamrawi

(Class of 2019)

“The last three years of my highschool life has changed me the most, all thanks to IBA. IBA has helped me become a better version of myself and find skills I didn’t know I had. This school has taught me to do things out of my comfort zone, which helped me become more confident and willing to try new things.”

Amera Ayman Amen

(Class of 2016)

“IBA has made me a stronger person and a knowledge seeker who will not quit no matter what obstacles I’m going to face in the future. I’m  grateful to my parents for bringing me to this prestigious school. IBA has been one of the best experiences in my life and I will cherish this memory forever in my heart!”